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Home, Radon and Termite
Serving the following New Jersey Counties:
Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Hunterdon, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Somerset, Sussex, Union, Warren
It is critical to choose the right inspector for one of the most important emotional decisions and financial investments that you will ever make. Let Mike Brander of Elite Home Inspections, LLC ease your worries by providing a state-of-the-art inspection in keeping with ASHI and New Jersey Code of Ethics standards.
How We Can Help You
Our inspections enable you to take control of your real estate transaction by helping you:
- Identify potential problems
- Survey the home's condition
- Consider possible repairs and upgrades
- Take measure of your investment decision
- Experience confidence and peace of mind about your investment and any negotiations
We Are Impartial and Work for You
Our job is to provide you with a comprehensive, fair, independent, objective evaluation so that you can understand and take care of your valuable investment. Your interests are our interests before, during, and after the inspection.
What To Expect
The inspection provides an invaluable learning and discovery experience during which your questions can be answered on the spot. You will gain insight into maintenance and energy conservation tailored specifically to your home. We will always return to the home for follow-ups if needed.